The Bold Build

John Knepler, the architect overseeing the design and build of the Bold Vision community cafe project will be using this page to share the story of the build...

Friday 21st May
Wednesday 19th May
Ian has secured the space by temporarily installing hoarding. He is now, with the help of a few volunteers, constructing a glazed wall (using double-glazed units, left over from a previous job, which he is donating) in one section of the external wall.
Meanwhile the concrete is drying out...
Thursday 13th May
The electrician has started. All wiring will be surface-run since we will not be plastering any of the walls or the ceiling. The actual cables need to wait until the space is secure, but the conduits are being installed now.
Sunday 9th May
Today six volunteers continued painted the ceiling and columns - we are now ready for the electrician to start the first fix, and tomorrow morning I will be meeting the joinery who is making the folding/sliding doors and windows, and he will take final dimensions.

Saturday 8th May
The concrete has hardened enough for us to start cleaning and decorating the surfaces.
Eugene, John Kelly and Freddie getting ready to brush loose dirt and soot from the ceiling.

The first two coats of masonry paint have been applied - with predictable side-effects:

Friday 7th May
The concrete arrives for the floor slab:

and is being spread across the reinforcement and underfloor heating pipes:

By the end of the day, the concrete is ready to be power-floated:

Thursday 6th May
Last night John Hamilton and a few volunteers laid the underfloor heating pipework. Tomorrow morning the concrete will be laid, so we will be ready to start the decorations over the weekend - hoping for lots of volunteers on Saturday and Sunday 11am !

Ian has started marking out where the bar / kitchen fittings will go:

Sunday 2nd May 

Last night the builders finished spreading the hardcore fill, and today the damp-proof membrane was laid, followed by the thermal insulation. The photo above shows the steel reinforcement for the concrete slab being prepared

Friday 30th April 
The excavations to reduce levels were completed yesterday, and a layer of hardcore fill has been spread. Today a few ducts will be laid, so that services (gas, electricity, telephones) can be brought in later. Next the damp-proof membrane will be laid, followed by the thermal insulation.
The concrete slab will probably be cast on Tuesday, so we can start decorating the weekend after.

Friday 23rd April
Building work has started, and is progressing well despite a few problems, the main one being excessive amount of water in the ground. I think it's from the long-standing drainage leaks (now repaired) but the builder is worried it might be an underground stream...Anyway, we are dealing with it by laying french drains.
A mini-digger makes things a bit easier.

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